Chloe Foster
30 Credit BTEC Media Studies
Film Magazine Report
The purpose of this film magazine report is to discuss and describe the film magazine that I created. My film magazine is called Foster Films.
The purpose of my film magazine is to inform and educate my target audience on the film 'Deadpool' by including features such as a detailed overview of the film, interviews from relevant contributors and reviews from highly esteemed critics.
The purpose of my film magazine is to inform and educate my target audience on the film 'Deadpool' by including features such as a detailed overview of the film, interviews from relevant contributors and reviews from highly esteemed critics.
Primary Research
From primary research I conducted via questionnaire, the younger generation would prefer to pay a smaller amount for a film magazine, averaging around the price of £2. The quality of the magazine doesn't seem to be a contributing factor in purchasing. This is expected as many young people seem to be 'money orientated' and therefore willing to pay the lowest price, independent on the quality in order to preserve their funds. For slightly older questionnaire participants, purchasing film magazines is dependant on the quality of the magazine. Expectedly, they would be willing to pay more for a better quality magazine as it would be deemed good value for money. They would be unwilling to spend more money on a magazine that lacks vital information and therefore lacking quality. Participants of the questionnaire would prefer to see a magazine containing interviews, reviews and a detailed overview of the featured film.
Secondary Research
To educate myself on what a film magazine is and its contents, I conducted secondary research on well known film magazines, which goes by the name of 'Cineaste' and 'Empire'. By researching into previous issues released by Cineaste and Empire; I reached a general consensus as to the layout and the contents of a film magazine which includes aspects such as interviews and reviews from esteemed critics from many known publicist companies. To improve and upscale my primary research, I could have spent a little bit of extra time researching into other existing film magazines. This would develop my knowledge and understanding in film magazines as it is highly likely that other film magazines may feature some aspects that Cineaste does not and could therefore be vital aspects that I feature in my film magazine to improve the quality of the written content.Justifying Target Audience
My target audience is directed towards the younger and middle aged generation that enjoy learning about films and researching into them. To ensure I have met this target audience, I have ensured that the film I have discussed in the magazine is a recently released film to grasp the attention of my target audience. Many people will likely have a careless attitude towards older film releases. My target audience has been determined by the nature of the featured film. My magazine is most likely to feature films containing mature content such as weapons, violence, or sex as this is what many people look for in a good film. My film magazine is not tailored towards a specific genre as many recent films don't collectively adhere to the same genre, they are all different and varied genres. However, my target audience is heavily dependent on the genre of the featured film. As an editor, I would ensure that the featured is suitable and adheres to my target audience.
Suitability For Market
My published film magazine is suitable for the market due to the fact that it is of a exceptional standard including written content and images of a high quality. Although, my film magazine includes features that are typical of most film magazines (e.g. interviews, reviews etc.) , the quality of the written content is what I believe sets my film magazine apart from other film magazines on the competitive market.
Production. cost, location, crew, props
After consideration and assistance from primary and secondary research conducted, I have made the decision to price my quarterly released film magazine at £2.99 and is to be marketed and distributed in newsagents, newsstands, and specialist stores. I have chosen to sell my magazine in these stores because they are frequently entered stores/ areas with many customers entering purely for purchasing magazines and articles to read from.