Tuesday 18 September 2018



Topic : Film Magazines

This is a questionnaire to observe what you know about film magazines, your ideal film magazine, as well as your opinion on them.

1) Please circle the age range that best describes you? Circle only one

12- 15                 16-19                    20- 23                    24+  

2) What would you expect to see in a typical film magazine?



3) In your personal opinion, what makes a good film magazine? eg. reviews, interviews...



4) What features would not be included in your ideal film magazine?



5) Would a double page spread about a popular/ newly released film be included in your ideal film magazine? Please Tick One

YES ____                NO____

6) What genre of film would you be interested in reading about? Please Tick One

ACTION ___   HORROR ___    THRILLER ___   SCI-FI ___

7) What genre of film would you not be interested in reading about? Please Tick One

ACTION ___   HORROR ___   THRILLER ___   SCI-FI ___

8) Who is your favourite actor/actress?


9) How much are you willing to purchase a high quality film magazine for?  Please Circle

£1- £2                 £2.01 - £3            £3.01 - £4            £4.01 - £5             £5 and over           

10) What would you include on the front cover of your ideal film magazine?



11) What other film magazines are you interested in and why?



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Film Magazine Report

Chloe Foster 30 Credit BTEC Media Studies Film Magazine Report The purpose of this film magazine report is to discuss and describe ...